Starting October 4th I will no longer be the social studies teacher for Team 7A. I have accepted a new position at the Lorain County Educational Services Center working with students and teachers throughout Ohio. Mrs. Murphy has worked hard to find a replacement to take my position for the remainder of the school year. I would like to thank the Chardon community for their support over the last seven years. I would also like to thank Dr. Hanlon and the Board of Education for their support throughout this process.
Mr Holman started as my mentor teacher and became my good friend. We have worked together as 7th grade world history teachers for eight years. We have traveled the country physically and virtually to share our students' work with teachers and administrators. Every time we spoke at a conference or lead professional development, people were always amazed with the creativity and passion of our students' work.
On a much personal note; I would like to thank the students of CMS and BMS. Over the past several years I have had the unique honor of helping to teach students in two districts. Our students have left digital footprints worth following. THEIR legacy has effected how students and teachers teach and learn across the planet. The work of several hundred seventh graders has helped bring real change to education. It is very humbling to be able to say I was apart of that change.
While my new career means a new direction in my life, it does not mean my passion for teaching is diminishing. I will continue to work with the students that I am leaving behind and Mr. Holman. My goal is that I can help change teaching and learning for even more students and teachers. Again, thank you to everyone who has believed in me!
I would like to write a longer post about our experiences and how we will adapt to the changing environment, but I think that will come in a few weeks after I process more of how things are a changin. Until then, I must say, I miss skyping each day, texting questions back and forth and much more, But I am glad we will continue to work together to change teaching and learning.