In our final flip teaching of the year, we started with an essential question. Then we worked backwards through history. We used examples of what is going on in the modern world and linked that to concepts from the Age of Exploration. We discussed inventions, trade, push/pull factors and other concepts linked to our state standards. We did not use a script, rather we told the story of Exploration: Why do people explore?; and What are the consequences of that exploration?.
One big drawback to Flip Teaching is that fact that not all students will sit down and listen to a lecture/conversation from their teaching at home. But, some students can sit in front of you in a classroom and not listen to what you are saying as well. Using Flip Teaching, the students that do listen to the lecture are free to learn in the classroom while the teacher is available to help. Below are some student comments from our blog concerning our Computer-side chats...
Thank you! This gave me a lot of information, and it was worth the time listening to. I really will miss this class and all of the Skyping and the blogs :D Thank you again
it's sort of sad to know that this is the last one, but thank you for posting them :). They help a lot.
This was so helpful! The computer side chats are always very interesting to listen to. Thanks for making them!
What you both do for your students is incredible! These chats really help me, and you both are leaving VERY good digital footprints for all those other people out there listening on! Great work, and you guys are the best teachers ever!