Feel free to travel all over the website as we present or follow along with us as we take you on tour of our classrooms.
Autonomous Mastery Learning
Fun Formative Assessment
1. Join PearDeck
2. Understand how it can be used to change teaching and learning
3. Play a quick Kahoot on the session
Fun Formative Assessment: click here to join our PearDeck.
Kahoot: http://www.teachersfortomorrow.net/home/another-formative-assessment-tool-kahoot-provides-a-gaming-format
Tutorial to build a PearDeck see this link: http://www.teachersfortomorrow.net/home/can-peardeck-change-teaching-and-learning-maybe
Zaption Session
Click here to create an account. This link will provide you with a pro version for 60 days to text and will revert to the free account then.
1. Five minute overview: What is Zaption?
2. Create your accounts
3. Built at least one Zaption for use next week with your students.
4. Leave a link to your live Zaption as a comment to this post.