Here is what some people are saying:
Michael Lombardo @mlombardo99
Daryl Bambic @dabambic
Amy Burvall @amyburvall
Garth and I are very passionate about changing education and giving students every ounce of opportunities available. Again we are deeply grateful to so many people for making our work possible. Here's a quick list:
It all started with Ed Bernetich:
He was the visionary principal that pioneered the 1:1 initiative at Beachwood and then hired Garth and gave him the freedom to be all that he could be.
It all continued because of Susan Rakow:
Dr. Rakow was one of my professors at Cleveland State University and introduced me to Garth. She somehow knew that I would "fit in" with what Garth was trying to do. She calls it a "little Karmic connection", but really it was the amazing instincts of a life-long-teacher/learner and if it was not for her then our friendship and professional collaboration would have never happened.
It all gets better and better because of our families:
Garth and I have two wives, five kids, three cats and two dogs between us. We spend hours talking via Skype, locked in
our offices and are continually texting and Tweeting. Our families not only put up with us, but continue to be a source of
inspiration and selfless love. We miss them desperately when we travel and try our best to balance work and home life.
...As our students continue to push what education is, as our districts continue to allow us to give the students that freedom and as people continue to take notice of our work we thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts.
-Mike & Garth