Short interview with 8th grader about his MyMap that is discussed below.

The map above and linked here, was made by a current eighth grader (interviewed above). I made a copy in June of last year, so it will not show any additions he may have done since.
His my map is made up of eight layers: Three from sixth grade and five from seventh grade. You turn layers on by clicking the box. The second image shows the Gov. & Religion box from 6th grade opened. He has 18 locations on this layer of his my map. Each layer has unique things related to the concept name of the layers. So this map has many items on it about each content standards we address. |

Student created Blog: This is his homepage.
Sutori to build his understanding of ideas: Reformation and Impact of Islamic World (about 6 more on his map)
Google Arts and Culture gallery: On Renaissance art work (Also a Sutori on major art work)
We video (The Peasant Revolt)
Magna Carta done in Smore
Classroom padlet on Middle Ages Life.
Whole class shared google doc on Islam in Middle Ages.
Pairs work in google sites on Medieval weapons.
Thinglink in 360 on Cathedrals of Middle Ages (he has 4 - 360's he created and added to his My Map).
Sutori on Catholic Church with build in quiz
His reflection on using my maps (first attempt at screen capture)
I could go on, but you get the idea. He is really building a true portfolio of his work that shows his growth and development over multiple years.
Sixth Graders comments after the first day they used My Maps.
Extra Bonus: Running his my map on google earth!
As Promised: Tutorials on my maps.