We arranged to have a online interview/tour of the online book for use on their blog found at:
http://blog.wikispaces.com/ Wendy and I chatted for a few minutes before the tour began. Wikispaces is providing tours of some teacher created (in our case student created) wikispaces for examples of what can be done for other students. I have read a few post about other educators and what they are doing...great stuff: Genius hour wiki with Denise Krebs and Gallit Zvi and Shared Notes and Assessment by Tom King. I would encourage you to take a look.
Our conservation lasted about 20-25 minutes and we took a quick tour of the dgh.wikispaces.com online textbook. Some of the key points I discussed:
- 7 years in the making
- 1500 kids have been involved
- two school districts have build over distance, using skype and meeting.io to team teach
- NO GRADES OR CREDIT for any work on this book (credit comes from seeing others learn from you--a legacy)
- teaching ethics, digital footprints, historical skills and the use of creative commons and open source
- constructions approach to learn (kids are building the book and they run it, not Mike and I)
- living document that changes each year, sometime weekly, or even daily. As new things are being added, edited or created.
- two books discuss this, one TED talks and we have been interview by local, state, national and international organizations about this collaborative work.
- Legacy kids leave: one student documentary that has been online for a little over two years has over 58,000 views. He was 12 when he made it....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsKSB-aT3ys
- the overall idea of this book is not to motivate kids but to inspire them to be something different, something awesome and to leave a legacy for others to follow.
- explained this blog (TFT) and http://www.studentsfortomorrow.net/ my playgrounds, but my students needed a window to the world and wikispaces provided that new playground for them.
I enjoyed the process and getting to talk with Wendy. She asked if I would come back and be a part of a webanair on using wikispaces in the classroom, and I will be happy to do that.
In the mean time, leave a comment and let me know how you are using wikispaces with your students...always looking of new ideas.
Cheers, Garth
P.S. check back for the link to the tour in a few days.