This was an amazing journey through a time in U.S. history that has always fascinated me. The information and sounds provided by Dr. Selverstone put a new perspective on several key events of the 1950s and 1960s. Listening to the “backdoor” dealings of important political figures made real the politicking that underlined the events of the Civil Rights Movement. It was amazing to listen to politicians, sometimes from different parties, talking very candidly about their personal feelings, give-and-take negotiations and how to resolve situations.
I highly recommend looking at the Miller Center for primary source recordings when teaching any American History, foreign and domestic policy. Not only do the recordings give insight into important events, but these recordings also humanize the Presidents. Often teachers and students loose sight of the fact that the Presidents are men, with feelings and aspirations. They have to balance so many variables and they do not get to “go home” after work. I would definitely pre-listen to all audio; these are adults and their language is not always appropriate for school!