I also believe that every person has an epic story that influences their perspective on things and no prescribed set of standards/curriculum will sit the same with any two people. So critical theory plays an important role in my classroom (http://www.freireproject.org/critical-pedagogy-and-teaching) . Everyone will be heard and I try my best to advocate for the underdog - whose perspective is important for understanding the American story.
All of that being said I am sure the teachers that teach in my hallway think I am a nut - some students love my class, others hate it. My room is messy, things get stacked and I look like a hoarder until any Friday before a long weekend or the end of a quarter when I clean house. And this is why: I have spent 10 years trying to do something BETTER than the year before. Why? It would be easy to say "because it's good for kids." But it's more honest to say it's what is good for me. I need to see kids do BETTER - better skills, better understanding, better learners. I want my own children to be ready for life outside of this small town - if I don't blaze a trail then who will? I might be teaching history but that's the platform for teaching much more. I really do believe that the best thing about the American story is that it is a great EPIC story about ingenuity, creativity, perseverance, adaptation and enrichment. How can that story overlook the importance of technology?
So in order for me to move forward as a teacher in the 21st century I need 2 essential things and I am hoping that teachersfortomorrow.net followers are going to deliver them
1. I need a place to reflect and receive feedback
2. I need a place to be inspired to try to do new things
So the webshows are GREAT - I can't wait to hear next week's guest! Thanks for asking me to be part of this - I am looking forward to more! Shannon
Thanks Shannon for taking time away from your family and free time to chat with Mike and I. We look forward to hearing from you in the future. Cheers, Garth
Contact Shannon: [email protected]
Examples mentioned in the webshow: http://www.wix.com/allyssakendra/1930s-Exhibit