As the year comes to an end, Mike and I have always asked student's to sign a release form to use their work in presentation's or conferences. It is a way to show them we respect their work and understand that it is their work and effort people want to see...not us. We are just the guys up front who guide them in building such cool things. Travis joined us this year in having his students read and give us permission to use the work. I had planned to have all student's complete this on Tuesday of next week, our last "real" day of school--Wed/Thursday field trips. However, I asked seven student's in my first period class to fill them out today, so I could share their work tomorrow at Delaware City Schools PD I was leading. |
As the student's turned in the forms, I then asked them a Question. The question was not planned, so my quick notes are shown to the left: "What are your thoughts on this?" -It show me you care about us. -This is our legacy for others to see -This shows it's not just about the grade -Our work matters...people will see it, not like before when it was trash. -I feel like this whole experience helped me see connections to the why my work matters. -I am excited I get credit for my work--beyond a grade. -This shows my work has purpose. -Maybe this will encourage others to try new things and allow kids to do more. -I am proud to think I might inspire someone. In reality, I wish I had recorded that short 5 minutes discussion. So much good information, I could not keep up. Maybe the most important five minutes I have spent with kids in a while. They really had lots of good things to say. I have to include questions like that on the final evaluation. The image below is the form we use or click here to see it as a google doc. |