On of my student sent me a speech she wrote for her Bat Mitzvah and asked me to read it over. I have taken several sections out for you to read:
If you went to my school, and ever participated in social studies class, you would call this a lollipop moment. Now you are probably thinking, wait, did she just say lollipop moment. Well, yes I did. In class one day, our teacher showed us a video of what one person called a lollipop moment. I will describe to you now, the sample that he shared.
A girl was very afraid to go to college; she didn’t think it was the right thing for her now and was going to wait until she was ready. Although, her parents convinced her to give the first day a chance, and if she didn’t think it was the right decision, then it was fine, she didn’t need to continue. As she was standing in line, a man walked out in the dorkiest hat ever, and was handing people lollipops. He approaches her and looks at her, then at the boy in line behind her. He hands the boy a lollipop and says, “give this to the beautiful girl next to you.” The boy turned beet red, handed the girl the lollipop, and everyone in the area started cracking up, and at that point the girl knew she was ready for college. The girl felt at that moment, that she could be herself there, and didn’t have to worry about not fitting in, or being who she was, afraid that someone would judge her. Who would think that a simple lollipop could break the ice!
The girl didn’t talk to the man handing out lollipops until four years later when he was about to graduate. She told the man her whole experience, and that she was still dating the boy in line behind her. The funny part is the man didn’t even remember handing her the lollipop! The man created a change in her destiny. In fact, a few years later, he got their wedding invitation.
So what is a lollipop moment ? A lollipop moment is when a person does something for you that is so amazing it changes or impacts your life. The man in the story didn’t even know what he did; after all he just handed out a lollipop. We have all experienced lollipop moments, whether we are the man handing out lollipops or the girl receiving, but we are just never told so. What seems a little event at the time, can later it can result into something huge. In life we don’t always know how important are actions really can be or are....
My point is, you can change someone’s life without even knowing it, and have your life changed by someone, without them evening knowing it. You need to be an agent for change. It is just as important to let people know when they have impacted you as well....
So right now, let me thank everyone in this room, you have had an impact on my life, and I thank you for all of those lollipop Everyone go home, and hand out your lollipops and think about special moments you have had, because no matter how small they are, they matter. In ways you can’t always see.
What we do really does impacts students in major ways and in ways we don't always get to see. Thank you, Olivia for this lollipop moment in my life.