This is Hanna's paper, please take her advice and "Go into the world and do good." I am very proud of the young woman she is becoming.
‘Go into the world and do well, more importantly go into the world and do good.’ –Minor Myers
Most people want to graduate high school with a 4.0. Most people want to go to college and get multiple degrees. Most people want to move on in life with prestigious awards and money to flaunt. But I’m not most people. I wish, more than anything, to be a good, kind person. Don’t get me wrong, I get straight A’s in school and I give my all, but I have so much more to give than intelligence! I have leadership, faith, determination, and most importantly kindness.
Ever since I was little, my dad told me over and over, “When you’re older I want to be able to say, ‘ My daughter is a good person.’ More than, ‘my daughter got all A’s in school.’” I’ve tried to let these words guide my life, and for the most part they have! On May 19, 2013 I was confirmed through the Kent United Methodist Church, this was definitely a turning point in my life. I realized how much I really needed God to guide me. Before this, I let people change my image without even thinking about it, this also changed how I treated other people. Now I’ve made the decision to stay with Christ and answer his call to help others.
This past summer I traveled to Tennessee to go on a mission’s trip called Mountain Top. This was a very eye-opening experience for me. I saw people who didn’t have necessary items that they needed to live. Such as clothes, food, shelter, and love. I am so very fortunate and I take it all for granted. Mountain Top was when I started to put my Law of Life, kindness, to action. I came back from the poorest part of Tennessee to my own small community of Kent, and applied the same tactics to my school and my peers. Whether it’s picking up some dropped pencils, or returning a lost wallet, all kindness counts.
You may be wondering, “How do I show kindness or compassion to someone who pays no attention to me?” That answer is simple. Wouldn’t you want someone to do the same to you? You could change someone’s whole perception on his or her day. One small action can turn into multiple bigger actions. One tiny ounce of kindness could turn into pounds of kindness. And you don’t have to be valedictorian to give out a little compassion. So go out there and touch some hearts, give some compliments, and share kindness everywhere you can.
Before the day ends, I want to challenge you. Spread some kindness. I want you to take a step in the right direction, to be the best person you can be. I want you to show people you have more to give than intelligence. I want you to go into the world and do good.
In a few ways this reminds me of a paper I wrote in college...check out it's preface.