During the Middle Ages WebQuest we gave students a social class from the Middle Ages and then allowed students to create the story of their character. The students used their characters to gain empathy about life in the Middle Ages. Students followed their characters through the Middle Ages and into the Renaissance and Reformation. Students responded on end-of-the-year surveys that they enjoyed having a character to follow through the story of world history. Garth and I plan on expanding this idea and allowing students to learn the story of history through the eyes of a character throughout the entire school year.
Garth tells a story about a students who gets a FaceBook account and takes criticism from his classmates for using complete sentences and proper grammar. When asked why he was being so conscientious about what he posted, he said "I want to leave a positive digital footprint". It's great to know that students are taking away such important concepts from our class. Here is a students that not only wants to leave a positive digital footprint, but stands up to his friends when they question why he cares so much.
As for SB5, Garth and I were pleased to see so many people stand in support of teachers and really question the motives/effects of such a sweeping change; getting rid of collective bargaining. Below are a few links to information about SB5
SB5 via the State of Ohio Legislature
OEA Senate Bill 5 Central