Several years ago when Mike and I were connecting our classroom we used google docs as a shared space to ask questions, provide links, images etc. between the two schools. Mike and I had done this several times during year.
Travis and I have talked about trying to make this work for us.
We have been reluctant to take the student interaction to this level due to some of the hardware obsticles Travis has had. However this year, with Dublin having a new CTO, he has received a few extra devices for his class. Which have opened a few more doors for us throughout the school year.
We moved to using google docs as a collaboration tool between the students at our schools 130 miles apart. Our first addition to having more interaction was bringing back the shared google doc that Mike and I use to do during the Middle Ages unit. We are currently planning out our next addition that we will do in the next couple of months. Which will give the students an opportunity to work on a project exclusively with their blog pal. We will write out Part 2 of this post once we have completed the second project.