DigiCamp University of Akron: Akron, Ohio June 29 -July 1, 2012
Twitter hashtag: #digicampua
Links of use for these presentations:
Student created textbook
Classroom website (used between two schools)
Middle Age Webquest
Slideshows are full of links to software and resources, just click.
InstraGrok: Educational Engine for searching, journaling and other searches

Google Advanced
Be sure to check : "Reading Level" and "File Type" when performing searches.
Take five minutes and "Play" with these searches, What are they good for?
sweet search
Trouble with Homework: no more with Slader
After a few minutes we will spend some time on InstraGrok, please create an account at this link: http://www.instagrok.com/
Once you have created an account, check out this Youtube and lets give it a try. We will spend the rest of the time on this software.
Be sure to check : "Reading Level" and "File Type" when performing searches.
Take five minutes and "Play" with these searches, What are they good for?
sweet search
Trouble with Homework: no more with Slader
After a few minutes we will spend some time on InstraGrok, please create an account at this link: http://www.instagrok.com/
Once you have created an account, check out this Youtube and lets give it a try. We will spend the rest of the time on this software.
Creating Digital Textbooks and Content
Creating a window to the world: A place for digital content.

Click to see our digital textbook
How can you make a digital textbook with your students? WIKISPACES
1. Make an account: http://www.wikispaces.com/content/teacher
This might take a few minutes. As you wait for others to get this done, you might want to check out the powerpoint below.
2. Key Setting
3. Editing pages
4. Adding links
5. Adding video
6. Adding Picture
7. and more.
8. Viewing your wiki
1. Make an account: http://www.wikispaces.com/content/teacher
This might take a few minutes. As you wait for others to get this done, you might want to check out the powerpoint below.
2. Key Setting
3. Editing pages
4. Adding links
5. Adding video
6. Adding Picture
7. and more.
8. Viewing your wiki
Flipping the Classroom
What is Flipping?
How can I use it? See example
What do I need to know how to do to make a Flipped Classroom?
-Free Screen capture software and or voice recorder. Google this and see what you find? Then google how to use that software and see how to use it.
Making a ScreenCapture using Screencast-O-Matic, set up account and lets get started.
Tutorial using GarageBand
How can I use it? See example
What do I need to know how to do to make a Flipped Classroom?
-Free Screen capture software and or voice recorder. Google this and see what you find? Then google how to use that software and see how to use it.
Making a ScreenCapture using Screencast-O-Matic, set up account and lets get started.
Tutorial using GarageBand
Twitter: How to get tweeting.

HUGE list of Educational hashtags: click image for site.
1. What is twitter?
2. What are hashtags?
3. How do I set up an account? Set up Twitter account, How to use (see youtube) and #uaedtech.
Might look into the following: Tweetdeck, Hootsuit, silverbird, or other tweet app.
4. Who do I follow?
5. How do I work it?
6. Why Tweet?
2. What are hashtags?
3. How do I set up an account? Set up Twitter account, How to use (see youtube) and #uaedtech.
Might look into the following: Tweetdeck, Hootsuit, silverbird, or other tweet app.
4. Who do I follow?
5. How do I work it?
6. Why Tweet?